DataTrans 3.2

Free Exchange data between Precisa devices and MS Excel
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Latest version:
3.2 See all
Precisa Gravimetrics AG
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The Precisa DataTrans software is for data exchange between Precisa devices and MS Excel.
Save Precisa device data into Excel file
The data from the peripheral device will be read out and then saved in an Excel file.

The data will be saved in the selected Excel file. The different data types (article, tare, text line etc.) will be saved in seperate sheets.
Each sheet includes a header line in the first row. The header line describes the data format; this is useful to edit the data or to create new data.

At the end of the data transfer a report file will be created. The report file includes information about the peripheral device, the path of the Excel file and the amount of transferred data. If an error occurs during the data transfer, the error message will be shown in the report file.



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